Мэй Рудин

May Rudin


Родился 2.06.18

в Нижнем Ист-Сайде, Нью-Йорк

в еврейской семье

Умер 22.12.1975


    Родители Рудина


Published: July 24, 1992
May Rudin, philanthropist and matriarch of one of Manhattan's real-estate dynasties, died yesterday at her East Side home. She was 95 years old.

She died after a brief illness, her family said.

A native of New York City, she was one of seven children born to immigrant parents. May Cohen dropped out of high school at the age of 15 and enrolled in a business school to study typing, stenography, bookkeeping and commercial law. She then went to work as a bookkeeper.

In 1923, she married Samuel Rudin, who four years later founded Rudin Management, realtors and builders, whose holdings now comprise dozens of tall buildings. The buildings, assembled over 60 years, were valued at $1.5 billion by analysts two years ago.

When Mr. Rudin died in 1975, his will established the Samuel and May Rudin Foundation, of which Mrs. Rudin was the chairwoman at her death. Well into her 90's, she played an active part in its disbursements, which at last count, in 1990, came to 222 grants totaling $5.3 million. Sponsors of the Marathon

The foundation primarily supported education, social and religious welfare agencies, hospitals and health associations as well as museums and the performing arts. The money was spent mostly in Manhattan, where the Rudins' assets are concentrated.

The Rudins also were the first business sponsors of the New York City Marathon. From its inauguration in 1976 until 1990, May Rudin waited at the finish line each year to present the Samuel Rudin Trophy to the man and woman who broke the tape. Her husband, she noted, was keen on long-distance running well before it became fashionable.

Foundation beneficiaries included St. Vincent's Hospital School of Nursing, AIDS-related programs, Phoenix House and St. Luke's-Roosevelt Medical Center to public-school children, Lincoln Center and New York University, where the foundation endowed a chair in the humanities.

Mrs. Rudin is survived by her sons Jack and Lewis, respectively the chairman and the president of the family business, both residents of Manhattan; five grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.




Детская площадка семьи Рудиных

Rudin Family Playground

Центральный Парк

против West 96th Street

Дата создания: 1992

Площадка названа в честь Сэмюэла и Мэй Рудиных. Предназначена для детей до шести лет.



Детская площадка "Вест 86-ая стрит"

West 86th Street Playground

Памятная доска

Центральный Парк

против West 86th Street

Дата создания: 19??

Дата реставрации: 1992

Текст памятной доски: "Эта площадка была отремонтирована благодаря щедрости Фонда Сэмюэла и Мэй Рудиных".



Детская площадка "Вест 67-ая стрит"

West 67th Street Toddler Playground

Памятная доска

Центральный Парк

против West 67th Street

Дата создания площадки: 19??

Дата установки доски: 1989

Текст памятной доски содержит перечисление "друзей площадки для малышей на Вест 67-ой стрит". В их числе - Фонд Сэмюэла и Мэй Рудиных.