Чарльз Клингенстайн

Charles Klingenstein


Родился 11.08.1903

в Гродно, Российская Империя, ныне Беларусь 

Отец Альтер (Абрам) Яблоник

Мать Рива-Лея Шиллингофф

Умер 3.04.1981



KLINGENSTEIN, CHARLES, New York City, bequeathes $110,000 to

twenty-one charities: $50,000 to Mount Sinai Hospital, to be added to

the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klingenstein Fund; $5,000 to the hospital's

School of Nursing Alumni Fund; $20,000 to Federation for the Support

of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City; $5,000 each to

three; $2,000 each to three; $1,000 each to eleven; filed March 3, 1936.


KLINGENSTEIN, MAGDALENE M. (MRS. CHARLES), (deceased), bequeathed

$300,000 and property in New Rochelle to Alumnae Assn of Mt.

Sinai Hosp., New York, for vacation or rest home for nurses and

hospital personnel, the residuary estate to be used for erection of

obstetrical pavilion; $25,000 to American Jewish Joint Distribution

Committee; and $55,000 to twenty-three other institutions; filed

July 26, 1946


Esther and Joseph Klingenstein Clinical Center 1450 Madison Avenue, Floors – 9, built 1962

KLINGENSTEIN, JOSEPH, investment banker, philan.; b. N.Y.C., June 4, 1891; d. N.Y.C., Nov. 11, 1976; a fdr., bd. chmn. emeritus, pres., 1956-62, v. pres., 1944-56, trustee, since 1941, a fdr. of its Mt. Sinai Sch. Of Med., Mt. Sinai Hosp.; bd. mem., pres., chmn. emeritus, Fed. of Jewish Philan.; nat. hon. v. pres., 1965, mem. gov. bd., 1962-64, hon. chmn. N.Y. Appeal, Am. Jewish Com.; mem.: bd. of mngrs. Silver Hill Fdn., Cong. Emanuel, Westchester; benefactor: Mt. Sinai Med. Sch. and Hosp., Temple Emanuel, N.Y.C., YM-YWHA of Gr. N.Y.; reed.: Herbert H. Lehman award, Am. Jewish Com., 1965; hon. Doctor of Humane Letters, Mt. Sinai Med. Sch., 1975; Jewish Service award, Fed. Of Jewish Philan., 1975.

KLINGENSTEIN, ESTHER A., communal worker, philanthropist; b. N.Y.C, Oct. 25, 1899; d. Jan. 21, 1974; at time of death, hon. off. women's orgn. Fed. of Jewish Phi lanthropies; dir. 1942-69, a trustee, former v. pres. Jewish Home and Hosp. for the Aged; a fdr. sponsor Mt. Sinai Sch. Of Med.; codonor Esther and Joseph Klingenstein Chair in Psychiatry; "Esther's Garden" at Jewish Home and Hosp. for Aged named in her honor, 1961.





Magdalene and Charles Klingenstein Pavilion

Восточный Гарлем

1190 5th Avenue # Gp2w
@ Hudredth Street
Дата создания: 1953

 Больничный комплекс "Маунт-Сайнай".